
You awaken.

It is cold, and you appear to be underground. You trip as you attempt to get up. Your head seems to be covered in dried blood when touched. You can hear distant water drips. You feel around your enviorment and find multiple large wooden crates. They are too large to be moved and too heavy to open. They seem to have a large painted logo on them. You walk towards the sound of dripping water. Ahead you can see a small crack in the ice walls with a small amount of light poking through. Many small pieces of rotted wood are lying on the floor. You stumble onto another crate, an empty lantern is atop the box. You pick it up and continue to walk towards the light.

The crack would be a tight fit, but you could crawl through it. However, you hear ragged breathing from the other side. The source pops into your view for a second. It appears to be a humanoid creature devoid of eyes, it has long ragged hair coming from its face, and it hobbled around on all fours. It has not noticed you yet.

Suggested by J'sein:

Throw rotted wood against wall to distract it, and beat it to death with a rock or lantern or something.